Voltera Nova

The Equipment

The Voltera Nova is a 3D printer capable of producing flexible hybrid electronics and PCBs.

Software Needed


How to Use It

Setting Up

  1. Power on Nova
  2. Navigate to myvoltera.io
  3. Sign up for an account (or log in)
  4. Select the Nova device (the device name is on the right side of the machine)

Adding Materials

  1. Select the “Materials” tile on the software home screen
  2. Select the “Explore” tile to find the desired materials
  3. Once you have found and selected the materials, click “add to library”
  4. If substrate or paste settings need to be adjusted, select the “Library” tile to configure these

Assembling the Dispenser

  1. Mount the pressure sensor
  2. Attach the nozzle
  3. Secure the pressure sensor and nozzle
  4. Insert a material
  5. Mount the motor plunger
  6. Mount to Nova (For detailed images of this process, visit this link


  1. From the software home screen, select the “Dispense” tile

More information can be found on the Voltera site.